Grant Reports


Marco Picciafuochi and Maria Mennuti: workshop report - 'Oneirata: Workshop on Sleep, Dreams, and Divinsation in Aristotle and his Predecessors'


Kyohei Sakeshima and Richard Kendall: workshop report - 'The Afterlife of the Greco-Persian Wars'

St Chad's Primary School

Rose Ormond: SPHS BIAA fieldwork report

Maria Christodoulou: The Dioscorides Garden Project in Athens

JACT Durham Greek & Latin Summer School Report 2023

Katy Cawkwell & Lucy Lill: Wild Visions, Untamed Myths

Bertie Norman: CA conference paper report

24th Annual Oxford and Royal Holloway Joint Postgraduate Symposium on Ancient Perfomance report

Rufford Park Primary School Report


Whitehall Primary School report

Awbridge Primary School.

La Sainte Union School.

Giulia Dovico Dover Fund Report

Mary Hare Foundation report

Freshfield Nursery

Plato's Epic Entanglements workshop report

New Voices on Anatolia graduate conference

Max Ratcliff: Epigraphy summer school report

Xander Scott: research visit to Greece

Leah Lazar: 'The New Athenian Empire’ Conference', Oxford

Michael Okyere Asante: research visit to the Fondation Hardt and Athens

Vaitsa Giannouli: research visit to Cambridge

JACT Greek Summer School 2023

23rd Annual Oxford and Royal Holloway Joint Postgraduate Symposium on Ancient Drama report : 23rd Annual Oxford and Royal Holloway Joint Postgraduate Symposium on Ancient Drama - bursary reports

East London Classics Summer School Report 2023



Fondation Hardt. Report

Fondation Hardt. Report

JACT Greek Summer School 2022. Report

British School at Athens 2022 Undergraduate Summer Course. Report

Group photo of students and tutors outside Tholos IV, Palace of Nestor, Pylos Students learn about the Philippeion at Olympia, taught by Anastasia Vassiliou. A masterclass in Byzantine material culture from Rossana Valente.

Conference: “Choosing Your Words: Lexicalisation and Grammaticalisation in Greek and Latin” Report and Programme

Conference: 'The Healing Classics: Medical Humanities and the Graeco-Roman Tradition.'
International Conference, King’s College London. Report

Conference: 'Survival and Disobedience in the Theory and Practice of Greek and Roman Drama.’ 22nd Annual APGRD / University of London Joint Postgraduate Symposium on Ancient Drama. Report

‘Dog-Tomb’, a site-specific performance written and directed by Zoe Harris-Wallis. Report

Dog Tomb performance Dog Tomb performance Dog Tomb Performance

Individual Grant - Dr. Chiara Raffaella Ciampa. Conference presentation – IAPS 7 International Association for Presocratic Studies – Seventh Biennial Conference, Delphi. Report

Individual Grant - Federica Scicolone

Individual Grant - Edward Armstrong

Edward Armstrong Temple of Podeidon at Sounion Edward Armstrong Acropolis Museum pottery shards Edward Armstrong Parthenon

London Summer School in Classics - Report 1, Report 2

Pele Trust Primary Schools

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