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Dr Margaret Mountford


Professor Pat Easterling FBA,  Professor Robert Fowler FBA, Mr Brian GilmoreMr George Lemos, Dr Pantelis Michelakis, Professor Judith Mossman, Professor Robin Osborne FBA,  Professor Christopher Rowe OBE, Professor Malcolm Schofield FBA, Professor Brian Sparkes, Dr David Thomas.

Honorary Treasurer: Mr Peter Lennon
Honorary Secretary: Ms Lesley Fitton
Membership Officer: Dr Jan Haywood
Executive Secretary: Dr Fiona Haarer

Editor JHS: Professor Lin Foxhall
Editor JHS Reviews: Professor Laurence Totelin, Dr Michaela Senkova

Hellenic Society accounts 2023

Hellenic Society Rules


Elected 2022

Dr Tiziana D'Angelo
Professor Tom Harrison
Dr Emily Hauser
Professor Andrew Meadows
Professor Gonda Van Steen
Professor Tim Whitmarsh
Dr Hannah Willey

Elected 2023

Mr John Alty
Dr Ralph Anderson
Dr Lyndsay Coo
The Right Hon Sir Launcelot Henderson
Dr Francesca Modini
Dr Marco Perale
Dr Theodora Jim

Elected 2024

Mrs Caroline K Mackenzie
Dr Christos Nifadopoulos
Professor Corinna Riva
Dr Anja Slawisch

Members of the Council serve for a period of three years. They are chosen from the membership of the Society and are proposed by the Council and elected at the Annual General Meeting. In selecting members the Council seeks to achieve a spread/balance of gender /age /geography /skills and background. Council is keen to recruit not only professional academics and those who teach Greek and related subjects in schools, but also members with skills which will help to run the charity, such as accountancy, legal and/or investment experience, or which will promote outreach, such as marketing, event or conference organization and IT/media skills. We particularly welcome interest from younger members of the Society. Anyone interested in becoming a member of Council is encouraged to approach any of the officers.

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