The Journal of Hellenic Studies

The Journal of Hellenic Studies

The Journal of Hellenic Studies (JHS) was first issued in 1880 and is recognized internationally as one of the foremost periodicals in the field of classical scholarship. It contains articles on a wide variety of Hellenic topics including Greek language, literature, history and art and archaeology in the Ancient and Byzantine periods, as well as reviews of recent books of importance to Greek studies. It is published in partnership with Cambridge University Press.

JHS abstracts 2021


Professor Douglas Cairns - My top 5 articles from JHS (part 1 ; part 2 ; part 3)
Dr Jan Haywood - My favourite articles from JHS.
Professor Lin Foxhall
Introducing the new Editor of the JHS - Professor Lin Foxhall talks about her plans for the Journal of Hellenic Studies
Disentangling Domesticity - Published to accompany an evening of lectures on Domesticity and Domestic Life (9 March 2021). Watch the lectures on youtube.

Publishing with the JHS, JRS and Britannia

Watch a video on youtube of this event which aims to explain the process of publishing with the journals, with the Editors, Lin Foxhall, Peter Thonemann and Will Bowden. The event was hosted by the ICS in collaboration with the Women's Classical Committee UK.

Editorial Committee

Mr Peter Lennon, Professor Lin Foxhall (JHS Editor), Dr Michaela Senkova (Joint Editor JHS Reviews), Professor Laurence Totelin (Joint Editor JHS Reviews), Dr Fiona Haarer (AR Editor), Professor Edith Hall, Dr Phillip Horky, Professor Robin Osborne, Dr Anja Ulbrich, Dr Nicolas Wiater, Dr Michael Loy (AinG Editor), Dr Georgios Mouratidis (AinG Editor), Dr Tulsi Parikh (AinG Editor), Ms Lesley Fitton.

From 17 August 2022, submissions to the Journal of Hellenic Studies should be submitted using the journal’s online submission system on the Cambridge Core website:

The Journal's policy of double blind peer review is the best guarantee of fairness and quality. The Journal would especially like to increase the number of submissions received from female researchers.

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JHS Notes for Contributors[/wpcol_1half][wpcol_1half_end id="" class="" style=""]

JHS style guide 2023[/wpcol_1half_end][wpcol_1half id="" class="" style=""]
Journal Reprints


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